Hydrodynamic simulation of two Milky Way type galaxies that collide and merge through 1.0 Gyr
The smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) implementation of the galaxy merger simulation requires gravity for the interaction of multiple particles (e.g., stars, gas, dark matter) where the particles interact hydrodynamically between them and the gas interacts with itself. The evolution of the galaxy merger simulation in Phantom SPH requires gravity for the interaction of multiple particles (e.g., stars, gas, dark matter) where the particles interact hydrodynamically between them and the gas interacts with itself. In order to obtain a Milky Way-type galaxy with a stellar disc, a stellar bulge and a dark matter halo this simulation was implemented with GalacTics, where the stellar disc was duplicated in the x=y plane so this way there are no coincidences with star particles and the gas disc can be created taking 10% of the total stellar mass. The gas halo was encapsulated within the dark matter halo with a temperature profile and a beta-profile (observed surface brightness that constrains the gas density distribution), where the mass from the hot gas halo was taken from the dark matter particles to keep a total halo mass. The merger of the galaxies was set with a distance of 70 kpc between them and approaching each other on a parabolic trajectory.